Take ownership of your own health

Our Services

At Divine Health we can help you in many ways. Whether it be via Life Coaching, Reiki, Chakra balancing, Reflexology, Body Massage or Indian Head massage.



Reiki is the spiritual art of healing which has been used for thousands of years to give you divine health


It is known that the feet contain nerve endings, by careful manipulation and massage of the exact area in the feet, areas of concern can be made aware and then worked on.

Holistic Body Massage

A holistic massage is an ancient form of healing that clears the lymphatic drainage system and releases toxins from the body, this is a great way to start losing weight.

Chakra Balancing

The seven chakras are the centres in our bodies in which energy flows through. Balanced chakras will improve physical, emotional and mental imbalances.

Hopi Ear Candle Treatment

Ear candling is an alternative medical treatment aimed to improve

general health and well-being. It is a very pleasant, relaxing and non-invasive treatment.

Indian Head Massage

Indian head massage is an ancient therapeutic treatment that has been practised in India for thousands of year. During the treatment, the pressure is applied to the neck, shoulders and head to release the tension in the muscles.

Life Coaching

Life Coaching enables you to reach your potential. It is an opportunity to take time out of hectic lifestyle and focus on personal development or something you have always wanted to achieve. Life coaching is about objectivity, structure and empowerment.


NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. NLP helps you to understand the language of your own mind.

Customer Feedback


Amazing. I went for severe hot flushes and night sweats and after one session of chakra balancing had none. Feel more energised and sleeping better. Everyone should try it if you have any aches, pains, anxiety, illness, etc. Nothing to lose


"Monika is a very gifted woman, empathetic healer and has helped me in a very short space of time. The Chakra balance has helped stop the hot flushes and given me a better focus and a more positive focus. Cannot recommend her services highly enough!"


"Thank you Monika. You came into my life at just the right time and introduced me to the magic of energy healing. Only 4 sessions in and I feel so much better in myself. Thank you xx"


"Reiki was something I just went along with. Then after one session I felt so uplifted that I couldn’t wait to book a whole programme. I went on the self healing course too and now I would recommend Reiki from Monika to everyone."


"Loving my Reiki sessions. Thank you so much. Really helping me through my auto immune disease with improving my energy and emotions. Got me through Christmas and I can't wait for my next session on Monday xxx"


"I have had 2 Reiki sessions and I leave feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. I would definitely recommend Monika and Reiki."


"Such a lovely experience meeting Monika today, can't wait to book for reiki xxx"


"Amazing results after just one session! Read my recommendation comments and book a session! Even the sceptics among you will be amazed!"


"Excellent massage! Highly recommend Monika"

Take ownership of your health

At Divine Health we can help you in many ways. Whether it be via Life Coaching, Reiki, Chakra balancing, Reflexology, Body Massage or Idian Head massage


Based in

David Lloyd Health Club, Leeds,

Saks Beauty,

Tongue Lane

Leeds LS6 4QW

Privacy Policy


monika@masterdivinehealth.com /


07853 404 333

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