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by Elfriede in Personal Growth Posted on 11/18/2021 06:00 AM

The idea that someone, by his innate intelligence, can reach any goal without effort and commitment is a myth that accompanies humanity from its origins to today. Unfortunately, things are very different and my duty as a coach is to help people understand this, to value their efforts, and to rather tread the path of growth, a path that will last a lifetime.

People with a fixed mindset are convinced that personality traits and intelligence cannot be changed. Others, with a growth mindset, are convinced that they can change a lot and they are most interested in developing themselves. The former are inactive when their achievements are low, and when their achievements are high, they live with the fear of losing these achievements. The latter are not afraid of difficulties and are happy to meet challenges if this develops them. The former live poorly, while the latter are open to making themselves get better.


I’m Elfriede A. I’m the Life Coach and CEO of Diamond Outcome. Diamond Outcome is a learning platform to help you increase the quality of your life and well-being.





The fixed mindset can be changed to the growth mindset. Who comes to your mind when you think of a successful, intelligent, and talented person? Perhaps someone like the American inventor Thomas Edison, known around the world for his inventions and moments of pure genius. However, Edison was indeed a very intelligent and talented individual, but it took him time. He didn't develop the light bulb in a day, or even on his own: it took a long, slow process of curiosity, dedication, and hard work. In other words, growth.

The growth mindset is the confidence a person has that any qualities and abilities can be given to development, cultivation; in the fact that people may initially differ in their interests, mental abilities, talents, etc., but thanks to their efforts, knowledge, and skills acquired, they can improve and develop. They are convinced that, probably, not everyone can become Ben Carson, but since the real potential of any person is unknown and unknowable, it is impossible to predict what he can achieve thanks to years of passionate work and exercise. This means that everyone has a high probability of achieving a lot, much more than others think about him, and even more than he thinks himself.

People with the growth mindset don't waste time proving their talents. They see no point in hiding their flaws because they can be overcome. They do not cling to what is already known and tested many times but try and experience the new and unknown. Most young children are a good example. In case of some failures, when criticized; "Oh, you failed to do this and that!" - the child replies: "So what, I'm still small, I'll grow up and learn!" That is what the growth mindset is all about; THE MINDSET THAT IS GROWING AND LEARNING.

The term growth mindset "growth mindset" was created by the innovative work of the famous Stanford psychologist, Carol Dweck. Carol found that everyone develops ideas about their intellectual potential. Some people believe that their intelligence is more or less fixed: for instance, in mathematics; it's either you can do it or you can't. About 40% of students have this harmful static-minded idea. Another 40% have a growth mentality, i.e. these students believe they can learn everything and that their intelligence can grow. The remaining 20% ​​oscillates between these two mentalities. Static-minded students are the ones most likely to give up quicker, while growth-minded students are those who persist even if the job is hard and show perseverance.

It is possible to change your mindset. In her book titled "Mindset", Carol Dweck provides some simple steps you can take to transition to a new way of thinking. In this article, I offer you a short distillate that is immediately actionable, so that you can start developing your growth mindset right away.


The voice that comes from a fixed mindset will prevent you from improving and finding the way to your success. For example, can you hear yourself wondering if you have the skills or talent needed for a project? Do you worry about failure and what people will think of you? When you're about to take on a new challenge, do you hold back and postpone for fear of failure?

When you get negative feedback, do you feel like making excuses and blaming others? If you do, the advice is to use conscious thinking to combat negative thinking.


We all face obstacles, challenges, and problems throughout our lives, but how we respond to these situations can make the difference between success and failure. If you have a fixed mindset, you will see these setbacks as proof that you are not up to the job. However, if you look at them as growth opportunities, you can develop an action plan, learn, work hard, change your strategy, and try again.


When you are faced with a challenge and feel that it is better not to try because you do not have the talent to succeed, remember that you can always learn the skills necessary to achieve your goals. You may fail the first time, this is true, but practice will help you develop what is needed.

For example, if you are facing a problem and you think "I'm not sure I can do this. I don't think I'm smart enough", challenge this fixed mindset by responding with "That's right, I'm not sure I can do it and I may not get it right the first time around, but I can learn with practice".


When you practice mindful thinking and act within a growth mindset, it becomes enormously easier to deal with obstacles in a more positive way.

Think of it as if you were practicing playing the guitar or doing push-ups, no one does it perfectly the first time. When you make a mistake, try to see it as an opportunity to learn.

Think about how you can help your team by using the growth mindset. Praise your employees for their efforts, acknowledge and appreciate their improvements, to encourage learning and the growth of self-esteem. This type of attitude creates a positive and open environment, creates cohesion within the team, and encourages people to express themselves and their ideas to the fullest.

Tip: If you have a fixed mindset, try to accept feedback and criticism as an opportunity to develop your skills, rather than a judgment on your skills. Be open to learning and less defensive. Remember: everyone makes mistakes!


It is undeniable that seeking new experiences and expanding one's knowledge through continuous learning are essential parts of the growth mindset. Keep in mind that the growth mindset is not a final destination. In fact, it's a continual upward journey fueled by your dedication to succeed.



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