The 3-Day LIVE Virtual Event

So, who the hell am I???

I AM victim - turned survivor - turned thriver of Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse, who NOW revels in a healthy and yummy 22+ year marriage.

I AM a Navy Chaplain Veteran, having served and facilitated healing and restoration of some of the finest men and women on this earth in both the Navy and the Marine Corps [Hooyah! & Hoorah!]

I AM a prior minister, missionary, theologian and spiritual director, AND NOW coming out of religious oppression and discrimination myself, I am here to help women release all that indoctrinated shit!

I AM the woman who was told I would probably not have any children, AND NOW has 3 magnificent children, one whom we’ve adopted.

I AM the one who flunked out of UMASS because I just had too much shit going on AND now has M.Div., 5 units of CPE, Certified as Master Reiki Practitioner, EFT Practitioner, Group Chakra Clearing and Balancing Practitioner, and Vedic Astrological Chart Reader

I AM the woman who was once shy, fearful, insecure, depressed, ashamed, battered, broken, a gaping black hole of negativity NOW an apologetic BADASS who is the center of gravity EVERY time I show up, ready to take the world by storm and help every woman who crosses my path to do the same.

I AM now showing up as your Inner Power Coach and Founder of the Freed and Powered Up Movement.

I help badass women like myself, high-achievers and entrepreneurs, release their left over shit from previous toxic relationships, which prevents them from fully and unapologetically loving themselves, knowing themselves, trusting themselves, and being themselves SO THAT they can show the hell up in their lives and manifest all the things they want, desire, and deserve.

I AM the creator of THE GODDESS UNLOCKED, designed to take you through the 3 Day journey of knowing your real  blocks, fears, and subconscious challenges and putting some shit to death, so that you can resurrect your inner goddess and live the life you want and deserve.

I AM the badass goddess that will light the stage and the mic up with unprecedented and unparalleled motivation, every. single. time. I'm unapologetic about the power that I bring when I speak. Why should I be?

And my mission is to resurrect the goddess within you. 

It’s Yours for the Taking

The Goddess Unlocked Event

RSVP Today

GU was an amazing weekend filled with much-needed loving connection with other women. We faced our fear, were vulnerable and reflective and it was a transformational experience to do some deep self-discovery with the help of the birth chart readings.”

- Sally Meyers

The Goddess Unlocked 3-day event was INCREDIBLE! I loved being in a sacred space with heart-centered women from around the world. I learned so much about myself and the path I am meant to be on! Learning about my Vedic chart was grounding and eye-opening. I'm in awe of LaToya and the space that holds for people and the deep wisdom she carries. Thank you, 1000 times over!”

- Ameenah Asante, Human Design Coach

Stepping Into the Next-Level You

Is Necessary For Growth & Positive Change

Invest in Yourself & YOUR Happiness

I Promise You'll Rave About It!

Come each day of the event, do the exercises,

engage in the community, and if you don't love it

or feel that you've received ROI on your investment,

I will reimburse you. This is my guarantee.

I urge you to consider this a commitment and a gift

to yourself. This is your time. This is your space. This is

your transition. The fullness and deliciousness of

this event is yours for the taking. 


Let’s Unlock Your Freedom  

I don’t have to define freedom for you, your soul knows exactly what it is and you can feel it in your body when you’re living in it. Speaking, expressing, moving, choosing, sleeping, eating, and creating in YOUR freedom. Juicy, unadulterated, pleasurable, insatiable, life-giving, and path-clearing freedom. Let’s unlock that freedom for you.  

Let’s Unlock Your Cash flow

You deserve money, period. And what you are called and purposed to do in this life takes money. The pleasure you deserve can be enhanced

by money. Finding, healing, and moving past your money wounds so that you live in a wealth consciousness that attracts lots of money is something that you deserve and get to do. Let’s unlock your cashflow. 

Let’s Unlock Your Pleasure

Aaaaahhhhh… that irreverent pleasure in your SELF. Enjoy everything about yourself & how you move in the world, UNAPOLOGETICALLY! That space where you no longer harass yourself about decisions, conversations, relationships, the past, the future, your health, your money, your body, your wardrobe, your laughing, your crying, your dancing, your nakedness…Releasing all the shoulda, coulda, woulda’s and

enjoying your moments of life, the lessons, the falls, the victories, and the aphrodisiac of it all. Taste it. Feel it. Live in it. You deserve it.

Let’s unlock your pleasure, shall we? 

Let’s Unlock Your Intuition-Next-level-Knowing.

You get to have unwavering certainty about your life path, who you want in your life, and where you are going. You get to create a cellular knowing of what you’re really capable of manifesting, pulling in, and commanding. Let’s unlock your inner-knowing.

…so that you can love the hell out of your life!! 


Will there be a replay? 

Know that this virtual event is sacred ground. I have no doubt about the magic that will be experienced during these 3 days and the vortex that will be created is unrepeatable. I would want the recording too! For that reason I will make the recording available for a short period of time and upon special request. Those who really feel they must have it, will have it.

What if I know nothing about energy work? 

I got you! This is a safe space for you to explore, understand, and experience with sisters who are all experiencing their own level of transformation. This is your birthright. You get to experience this and I am so grateful to guide you through this. 

Do I need to be there all three days?

Short answer, You definitely want to have all of this juiciness you’re getting! Sis, I get it, I have 3 kids, I’m running a household and a business, and it gets busy!! And this is precisely why you need to get your ticket now and start the preparations for the uninterrupted, powerful, life-transforming weekend that you deserve. I will never tell you not to come, but the material, the circle/vortex, the transformation builds on each session and it just won’t be the same if you miss days. I don't want you to miss out. This experience is a gift I created for you in a group format. There is some serious healing about to happen and you deserve all of it. 

The deeper answers to the questions you’ve been asking yourself

and the Life-Transition you want to make are yours to unlock. 

Turn the key and take your seat, goddess. No more waiting.

No more excuses. No more hiding. You deserve to have your PURPOSE

aligned, your PROSPERITY amplified, and your POWER awakened.

This is the time, and this event is that door. 

Make the Decision.

Commit to Your Next-Level-SELF.

Get Your Ticket.